I finally made underwear for myself. I am a bit picky when it comes to underwear and decided to make some for myself since I can't seem to find comfortable ones in the stores. Plus it is really inexpensive to make your own undies and you can make them in fun colors. I got the idea from amy a la mode. She has a copy your own undies tutorial on her blog. I used recycled t-shirts and a pair of comfy undies for my pattern. The edging is fold over elastic though I would really like to try using stretch lace for future pairs. I made the yellow undies first and didn't pull the top foe very tight so it is a bit loose. I adjusted the foe on the second purple pair and they fit great. I love the photo of Jonas and Ginger on the yellow undies. The photo quality is poor, however, it really is a wonder that I get any photos taken since I typically have someone stepping on my crafty stuff right about the time I am ready to take the photo. I do miss our old hardwood floors. They provided such a nice back drop to all the photos. Actually what I really need is a photography class.